Welcome to the NY Green Industry Council
The NY Green Industry Council (NYGIC), formerly known as NY Alliance for Environmental Concerns is a non-profit organization comprised of Green Industry associations whose combined efforts are dedicated to educating lawmakers, policymakers and the public, while promoting the many benefits derived from environmental horticulture in New York. We are the environmentalists who have been caring for this green space for generations. Collectively, our membership organizations represent approximately 4,000 green industry professionals.
-Larry Wilson, Chairman
NYGIC 2023 Legislative
End of Session Report is Available!
2023 End of Session Report
New York’s 2023 legislative session was scheduled to conclude on Thursday, June 8, 2023, but due to the need for several long debates on bills and a shortened end of session due to a Budget that was one month late, they extended the end date to June 9th.
In the end, the Senate and Assembly adjourned on Saturday, June 10th, however the Assembly had not concluded all of their business and had to return on June 20th and 21st to address its outstanding issues. Both houses are not expected to return to Albany until January or at the call of the Governor. This session the legislature approved the biggest budget in New York history at $229 billion, with much of it recurring spending. However, they did not include any new taxes to bolster the state’s finances, making good on Governor Hochul’s pledge not to raise taxes. However, next year’s Budget picture is looking much bleaker and as a result, the Legislature will be looking at ways to close the gap next year.
Click on the link above to read about the most impactful legislative issues in our industry.